Instructions for Authors

  • The manuscripts must meet the standard criteria before they are accepted by the respective editor.
  • It should be an original work by the author.
  • The author must not have sent the work to some other publishing house at the same time.
  • Once, rejected, the manuscript can be improved and can be sent to us again for another chance of approval.
  • The work must be fresh and effective.
  • Once the manuscripts are accepted based on the set standards, processing and publishing of the paper will be done in 30 days of acceptance.
  • The author will be informed as the manuscript clears levels of processing and publishing.

Submission Guidelines for Authors

eSciRes publishers welcomes all the cutting-edge latest and outstanding scientific contributions in all fields of science, medicine and technology.

Submissions can be in the form of:

Original research article, review, short communication, commentary, clinical perspectives, clinical procedures, thesis, opinion article, editorial, letter to editor, technical briefs, scientific reports, meeting summary, case reports, news, conference proceedings, clinical/medical images.

Manuscript submission should include a cover letter along with the manuscript.

Cover Letter :

Outlining the novelty of the paper and a statement explaining the paper has been submitted to the corresponding journal. Authors shall be required to ensure that their papers submitted for publication are neither submitted elsewhere nor under consideration.

Manuscript Guidelines :

For Research/Review Article :

Title, Name of Authors with Complete affiliations (Degrees, Department, School, Institute, University, City, Country) and the corresponding authors’ current address including Telephone number and E-mail ID. Mostly it should be having the order of the fields like Abstract (Max of 250 words), keywords, Abbreviations (if any), Introduction, Background, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion.

Acknowledgement : It should include acknowledgements to the assisting people including the funding information (if any).

References: References must include all the issued manuscripts with their online links. In case of additional authors more than three in number, do not write all the names, just the first three authors and et al. for others.

References format

For published journal papers :

Author1,Author2,Author3, et al. (year) Title of the article in sentence case. Journal name volume number(issue number): page numbers.

For books :

Authors (year) Title of the chapter. Editors, Title of the book, Publisher name, Country, page numbers(if any).

For web URL’s Please provide th URL.

Illustrations and figures (if any), Tables and captions (if any), Supplemantary files (if any).

Tables : Tables should be simple, sequential and clearly understandable. Please make sure that they are in .doc format.

Figures: Figures should be in a sequence and must be written as Figure 1, Figure 2 in case of parts: Figure 1(a), Figure 1(b).

Letter to the Editor : There is no particular standard format for letter to editor. Please make sure that it is short and crisp.

For Other Types of Articles :

Title, Author’s Name and Affiliation, Co-authors and Corresponding author details. Abstract (If applicable) , Content headings (Introduction, result, conclusion, References, etc, what ever applicable Figures and tables (if any: Figure must be in image format, table must be in table form).

Submission Procedure : Author submissions can be directed as an e-mail attachment to the editorial office of the concerned journal. Please visit the respective journal homepage for further details.

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